Asset633d62e0de7757 93889146
Com­mer­ci­al real estate
The perfect atmosphere for customers and employees
Com­mer­ci­al real estate
The perfect atmosphere for customers and employees
Best location

Invest in commercial property in German metropolitan areas with the highest appreciation potential!

Contemporary living spaces

Benefit from convenient urban infrastructure!

Sophisticated architecture

Take advantage of flexible space concepts tailored to your individual requirements!

Established quality

Rely on our experience with materials, technology and furnishings!

Aktuelle Projekte im Vertrieb

Sie haben In­ter­esse an einer Gewer­beim­mo­bil­ie? Jetzt anfragen!

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Asset632c5e85c4fb65 66580323
Office Build­ings

These days, office space means more than just a place to work, which is why we design work spaces with both meeting rooms and creative zones in mind, custom-tailoring them to the specific needs of their users. Our office designs are based on sophisticated urban planning concepts, with an interior design that utilizes the space in the most efficient way possible.

Asset632c5e9d6b9ed7 09370051
Retail build­ings

Retail spaces require dynamic concepts developed specifically for their individual locations. Whether local shopping centers, specialty retail stores, logistics warehouses, or neighborhood shops – we have significant expertise not only in creating these, but also with providing effective tenant management.

Asset632c5eae06a812 13744023

Ambience and location are the factors that contribute most to a hotel’s success, so we work to optimize the hotel’s concept and help it to smoothly fit it into its urban surroundings. Our urban planning expertise comes fully into play in our effective integration of hotels into their surrounding neighborhoods.

Asset632c5ebd6b9d60 40055931
Extended-Stay Res­i­dences

“Smart” and “digital” are the features that will set serviced and micro-apartments apart in this market niche in the future. We already have reference properties in this modern market and can advise you on many of the different options available.

Asset632c5edb358c70 08996082

We can identify the potential in existing buildings and will work with you to develop state-of-the-art concepts to revitalize your building and give it a fresh new start: this is how we create exciting, impressive new real estate concepts in a mature market.

Asset633d602118f4d8 43721040


Bench­mark for quality

Sustainably developed and built properties are quantifiable in their quality and receive a high long-term value through objective evaluation.

To ensure that you benefit from the appropriate certification, our consultants advise you on site-specific, user-oriented and energy-efficient criteria and guide you safely through the audits.

Adobe Stock 356687163

Smarter und Nachhaltiger Betrieb

Digitale Gewer­beim­mo­bilien von Bauwens

Ressourcenschonend und kosteneffizient im Betrieb: Optimale Nutzung über den gesamten Lebenszyklus

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20180829 MF 9693a 180927 160210 242ef5373888cbdf3a00f0480f32311e
Stefan Höher
Division Manager Project Development